Featured Artwork for June
artisan's name unknown
Kuro Raku Chawan, early 1900s4'' x 3 1/2''SoldFurther images
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The tea bowl for winter exudes a beautiful welcoming energy to warm the seasonally darker and colder days. Upon first glance, the bowl looks to be just black with a...The tea bowl for winter exudes a beautiful welcoming energy to warm the seasonally darker and colder days. Upon first glance, the bowl looks to be just black with a brown lip. But it’s when you look closer and in different levels of light that the black comes alive with rich depth. The glaze takes on a deep espresso color with copper tones, rusty vermillion, and even flecks of gold(despite the metal not being present).
The texture and colors of this bowl play with the light and shadows. It will look different almost every time you look at it on the short winter days as the light shifts so quickly.
The color also alludes back to a quality that Tanizaki Junichiro writes about in, “in Praise of Shadows”, where the maker takes into context where their creation will live. How a dark colored object can be beautiful and enhanced because of the darkness of the space around it. That shadows of a room comes alive and is more than just blackness.
It comforts you during the winter to bring an added richness to the experience of a warm beverage. How about a masala chai, mulled wine or Hojicha Latte?3of 3 -
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