artisan's name unknown
chaire, 17th century
2 1/2" x 2 1/4"
Further images
This jar is called “Chaire,” meaning tea caddy. It is used during a tea event (tea ceremony). There are two kinds of tea caddy. They are called “Natsume” and “Chaire.”...
This jar is called “Chaire,” meaning tea caddy. It is used during a tea event (tea ceremony). There are two kinds of tea caddy. They are called “Natsume” and “Chaire.” Natsume is used to keep macha for usu-cha (thin tea ), and it is made of wood lacquered or without. Chaire is used to keep macha for koi-cha (thick tea), and it is made of pottery. Neither is used to store the macha for a more extended period but to put enough quantity during an event.
There are various shapes of chaire. They all have a lid made of ivory, and the inside of the lid is covered with gold leaf. Why gold leaf? The tradition was started to make sure that the powdered tea was not poisoned! (The poison changed the color of gold!) The way of tea was established around 1600 when assassination among powerful warlords and worriers were common.
This particular Chaire is from the early 1600s. The shape belongs to the “Katatsuki” style, which means it has a pronounced shoulder near the neck. It is “Yakishime” pottery: high-fired, unglazed ceramic. Connoisseurs desire ones, particularly from this period.
There are various shapes of chaire. They all have a lid made of ivory, and the inside of the lid is covered with gold leaf. Why gold leaf? The tradition was started to make sure that the powdered tea was not poisoned! (The poison changed the color of gold!) The way of tea was established around 1600 when assassination among powerful warlords and worriers were common.
This particular Chaire is from the early 1600s. The shape belongs to the “Katatsuki” style, which means it has a pronounced shoulder near the neck. It is “Yakishime” pottery: high-fired, unglazed ceramic. Connoisseurs desire ones, particularly from this period.
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